This image of Southern Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis) was made on Stewart Island, New Zealand, one evening in early November 2018. After several nights searching for kiwis with volunteers from the local Wildlife Conservation Association which task of eradicating introduced mammals (SIRCET), we had finally locate two kiwis this evening. I was able to take this image using a red lamp pointed on the bird and which does not create a disturbance because the kiwi is not sensitive to red colors. I tried to show in detail this beautiful bird which is regrettably on the UICN red list because of the introduction of rats and possums on the island. The purpose of this photo is to highlight the importance of protecting these unique natives birds species of New Zeland by their way of life and their inability to fly. The red light has been corrected in post-treatment to restore a white light for aesthetic reasons.

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