Magic Lantern slide circa 1900 hand coloured. Titled Cities and places of interest in the Mediterranean.19.??”NICE. THE PROMENADE DES ANGLAIS. This ' promenade takes precedence of all other promenades and public resorts in Nice, and is indeed a not unworthy rival of some of the most noted ones in other countries. In the afternoon the road is crowded with carriages, all of the most rich and costly description, and the footways with well-dressed pedestrians. This lounge of fashion has been well termed a human kaleidoscope, since it offers to the observer a mass of shifting and varied per????sons, few of whom hear much affinity to the others. On the promenade it is more than common for one to see the wheels of the carriage of a duchess locked with those of some demi-mondaine from Paris, or a bishop rubbing shoulders with a card-sharper, and a hundred other equally incongruous associations The mansions facing the sea are principally the private residences of some of the regular winter visitors.

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