Our Heroes March by Max Werner.Colour lithograph music cover, artist unknown, 1900.Published by Phillips and Oliver, London, 1900.Relating to 1st Earl, Frederick Sleigh Roberts and 1st Earl, Horatio Herbert Kitchener.Associated with the Boer War (1899-1902).Roberts and Kitchener, successive Commanders-in-Chief in South Africa during the Boer War, were men of sharply contrasting character. Kindly, unassuming and courteous, Roberts was popularly known as ?Bobs?. His small stature and elderly appearance - he was 68 when he left South Africa in 1900 - probably increased the veneration which he received from both the public and soldiers. Kitchener, in contrast, although possessed of considerable organisational skills, and respected as a successful colonial campaigner, found it difficult to delegate, or work as part of a team, and his austere demeanour did nothing to advance his personal popularity. Roberts? heroic image remained unsullied at the end of the war; blame for its darkest aspects fell on Kitchener,

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