Bullecourt April and May 1917. Mainly designed to support attacks at Arras. First attack on April 10th was called off due to the failure of the supporting tanks to arrive. Unfortunately, one unit was not told and was badly mauled. The attack was resumed on the 11th but the tanks were late and only 4 actually reached their start positions on time. One actually attacked the Australians and overall were a total failure. Despite this the Australains pressed ahead and actually gained some of their objectives but by the 12th they were back in their starting trenches having suffered 3,300 casualties including 1170 prisoners. A further assault was made on 3rd May and the German front line trenches were taken: furious German counter-attacks failed to dislodge the Australians and after two weeks of heavy fighting the Germans conceded their losses on May 17th and withdrew a few hundred metres.

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