The siege of Namur by Captn. Shandy & Corporal Trim. Tris: Shan. One of a series of illustrations to Sterne's Tristram Shandy showing Uncle Toby marching, with crutch under his left arm, pointing with his right crutch towards the fortifications built on the bowling green, where the gate of St. Nicolas is flanked on each side by a jack-boot. In his left hand he holds the London Gazette. Trim, holding up a pickaxe, marches in front of his master. Shandy Hall appears behind the Gate of St. Nicolas. Date 1773. The siege of Namur by Captn. Shandy & Corporal Trim. Tris: Shan. One of a series of illustrations to Sterne's Tristram Shandy showing Uncle Toby marching, with crutch under his left arm, pointing with his right crutch towards the fortifications built on the bowling green, where the gate of St. Nicolas is flanked on each side by a jack-boot. In his left hand he holds the London Gazette. Trim, holding up a pickaxe, marches in front of his master. Shandy Hall appears behind the Gate of St. Nicolas. Date 1773.

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