Conservatism. Illustration shows a well-dressed businessman wearing top hat and coat, and a button that states Don't Knock, Boost, sitting atop a pile of account ledgers labeled How to Evade the Law, Juggled Books, Secret Rebate Account, and Bribery Stubs, money bags labeled Yellow Dog Fund, Private Graft, Other People's Money, and Public Service Graft, and boxes labeled Stock Gambling Acc., Syndicate Profits, and Fees. A notice attached to the pile states Destroy if Investigated. Date 1907 November 20. Conservatism. Illustration shows a well-dressed businessman wearing top hat and coat, and a button that states Don't Knock, Boost, sitting atop a pile of account ledgers labeled How to Evade the Law, Juggled Books, Secret Rebate Account, and Bribery Stubs, money bags labeled Yellow Dog Fund, Private Graft, Other People's Money, and Public Service Graft, and boxes labeled Stock Gambling Acc., Syndicate Profits, and Fees. A notice attached to the pile states Destroy if Investigated. Date 1907 November 20.

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