A pretty high bar to clear. Illustration shows a group of republicans trying to push, pull, and coax the Republican elephant labeled GOP. to jump a hurdle on a race course; William B. Allison stands on the far side of the hurdle, Philander C. Knox is pulling the elephant's trunk, William P. Frye, Nelson W. Aldrich, Stephen B. Elkins, Joseph G. Cannon, and Eugene Hale are pushing the elephant, which is being ridden by a plump man labeled Stand Pat, wielding a whip. There are four bars on the hurdle, the lowest is labeled Cost of Living 1896, the next is labeled Cost of Living 1900, then Cost of Living 1904, and the highest is labeled Cost of Living 1908. Date 1907 October 30. A pretty high bar to clear. Illustration shows a group of republicans trying to push, pull, and coax the Republican elephant labeled GOP. to jump a hurdle on a race course; William B. Allison stands on the far side of the hurdle, Philander C. Knox is pulling the elephant's trunk, William P. Frye, Nelson W. Aldrich, Stephen B. Elkins, Joseph G. Cannon, and Eugene Hale are pushing the elephant, which is being ridden by a plump man labeled Stand Pat, wielding a whip. There are four bars on the hurdle, the lowest is labeled Cost of Living 1896, the next is labeled Cost of Living 1900, then Cost of Living 1904, and the highest is labeled Cost of Living 1908. Date 1907 October 30.

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