A political game. Illustration shows two women leaning out windows, on the left is an Irish domestic representing the Dem. Party and on the right is a well-dressed matron representing the Rep. Party; between them hangs a balance scale labeled Party Politics with Rear Admiral Winfield S. Schley on the left, trying to upset the balance by pulling on the chains, causing the scale to swing wildly, and with Admiral William T. Sampson on the right, struggling to hang on. Date 1901 August 21. A political game. Illustration shows two women leaning out windows, on the left is an Irish domestic representing the Dem. Party and on the right is a well-dressed matron representing the Rep. Party; between them hangs a balance scale labeled Party Politics with Rear Admiral Winfield S. Schley on the left, trying to upset the balance by pulling on the chains, causing the scale to swing wildly, and with Admiral William T. Sampson on the right, struggling to hang on. Date 1901 August 21.

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