Enthusiasm display'd: or, the Moor Fields congregation. The print shows evangelical Methodist minister Geroge Whitefield preaching at Moorsfield, London.. He is supported by two females, one holding a mask and labeled Hypocrisy, the other a Janus-faced Deceit. On the left are three woodcocks, one with a worm and one dead(?) which are labeled Trapped and on the right, a woman, labeled Folly, reclines on the ground holding a jester's staff. Next to her is a monkey. The text, a poem critical of Dr. Whitefield, mentions thirty-nine approaches forty-one possibly referring to 1739 when Whitefield was preaching in America and 1841 his expected return to England. Date 1739 August 20. Enthusiasm display'd: or, the Moor Fields congregation. The print shows evangelical Methodist minister Geroge Whitefield preaching at Moorsfield, London.. He is supported by two females, one holding a mask and labeled Hypocrisy, the other a Janus-faced Deceit. On the left are three woodcocks, one with a worm and one dead(?) which are labeled Trapped and on the right, a woman, labeled Folly, reclines on the ground holding a jester's staff. Next to her is a monkey. The text, a poem critical of Dr. Whitefield, mentions thirty-nine approaches forty-one possibly referring to 1739 when Whitefield was preaching in America and 1841 his expected return to England. Date 1739 August 20.

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