In remembrance of the one hundredth anniversary of the independence of the United States. Print showing Columbia sitting on a throne on a pedestal above the words, And the star spangled banner in triumph still waves o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Cameo portraits of all presidents from Washington to Tyler descend on the right and left, and cameo portraits of six revolutionary war generals are at the bottom center, beneath the American eagle emblem; in the lower left is a revolutionary war battle scene The struggle for liberty and in the lower right is a domestic scene Peace and Prosperity. Across the top are the Centennial Exhibition buildings in Philadelphia with inserts of Independence Hall, the Bunker Hill Monument, and Faneuil Hall. Date c1876. In remembrance of the one hundredth anniversary of the independence of the United States. Print showing Columbia sitting on a throne on a pedestal above the words, And the star spangled banner in triumph still waves o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Cameo portraits of all presidents from Washington to Tyler descend on the right and left, and cameo portraits of six revolutionary war generals are at the bottom center, beneath the American eagle emblem; in the lower left is a revolutionary war battle scene The struggle for liberty and in the lower right is a domestic scene Peace and Prosperity. Across the top are the Centennial Exhibition buildings in Philadelphia with inserts of Independence Hall, the Bunker Hill Monument, and Faneuil Hall. Date c1876.

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