MOSCOW, June 2, 1998 - Russian President Boris Yeltsin has begun a meeting with ten leading national bankers and businessmen to discuss the home economic situation. Taking part in the meeting are Alfa-group head Mikhail Fridman, Interros president Vladimir Potanin, SBS-AGRO chief Alexander Smolensky, Gazprom chairman Rem Vyakhirev,Unified Energy System chairman Anatoly Chubais, LUKoil president Vagit Alekperov, Surgutneftegaz president Vladimir Bogdanov, Media-MOST president Vladimir Gusinsky, ROSPROM-YUKOS head Mikhail Khodorkovsky and president of the Rossiisky Kredit bank Vitaly Malkin. Prime Minister Sergei Kiriyenko and deputy heads of the presidential administration Valentin Yumashev and Alexander Livshits are also participating. Opening the meeting Yeltsin said, 'We seldom meet; it happens when things get unbearable, when the state is hard pressed and the economy starts to run cracks, when foreign investors begin to flee and no investors put money into Russia's industry.'.Picture shows President Yeltsin (right) shaking hands with Rem Vyakhirev prior ot the talk.In the background - Russian Prime Minister Sergei Kiriyenko.

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