Aaron Burr met Theodosia Prevost, the wife of a major in the British army, in 1777, while she was living with her sister in Westchester County. Burr's command was fifteen miles across the river, but distance and danger made no difference to him. He used to mount a swift horse, inspect his sentinels and outposts, and then gallop to the Hudson, where a barge rowed by six soldiers awaited him. The barge was well supplied with buffalo-skins, upon which the horse was thrown with his legs bound, and then half an hour's rowing brought them to the other side. There Burr resumed his horse, galloped to the house of Mrs. Prevost, and, after spending a few hours with her, returned in the same way. Her husband died soon after the beginning of the war, and then Burr married her. Theodosia died of stomach cancer in 1794. Illustration appeared in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, 1882.

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