Captioned: "The cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or nauigation. Compiled by William Cuningham Doctor in Physicke, 1531." Atlas bearing the heavens in the form of an armillary sphere. An armillary sphere (variations are known as spherical astrolabe, armilla, or armil) is a model of objects in the sky (in the celestial sphere), consisting of a spherical framework of rings, centered on Earth, that represent lines of celestial longitude and latitude and other astronomically important features such as the ecliptic. In astronomy, the geocentric model (also known as geocentrism, or the Ptolemaic system), is the superseded theory that the Earth is the center of the universe, and that all other objects orbit around it. Ptolemy was an Egyptian polymath, who made studies in astrology, astronomy, geography and mathematics. The verse at the bottom of the engraving is from Book I of Virgil's Aeneid, in which Atlas is referred to as a teacher of astronomy.

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