Frederick I (1122 - June 10, 1190) was the Holy Roman Emperor from 1155 until his death. He combined qualities that made him appear almost superhuman to his contemporaries: his longevity, his ambition, his extraordinary skills at organization, his battlefield acumen and his political perspicuity. Historians have compared Frederick to Henry II of England. Both were considered the greatest and most charismatic leaders of their age. Each possessed a rare combination of qualities that made him appear superhuman to his contemporaries: longevity, boundless ambition, extraordinary organizing skill, and greatness on the battlefield. Both were handsome and proficient in courtly skills, without appearing effeminate or affected. Both came to the throne in the prime of manhood. Each found himself in the possession of new legal institutions that were put to creative use in governing. In making final decisions, each relied solely upon his own judgment, and both were interested in gathering as much power as they could. Frederick died during the Third Crusade. While crossing the Saleph River on June 10, 1190, his horse slipped, throwing him against the rocks. Weak and wounded he drowned before he could be rescued.

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