Red Jacket (1750 - January 20, 1830) was a Native American Seneca chief of the Wolf clan. He took his name, one of several he used, for a highly favored embroidered coat given to him by the British for his wartime services. The Seneca were allied with the British Crown during the American Revolution, both because of long trading relationships and in the hope that the Iroquois could limit colonial encroachment on their territory. After their ally lost, the Seneca were forced to cede much of their territory to the US. Many of their people resettled in Canada at what is now the Six Nations Reserve in Ontario. In 1792 he led a delegation of 50 people to Philadelphia. President Washington presented him with a special "peace medal", that he wore on his chest in every portrait painted of him thereafter. His later adult name, Sagoyewatha, which roughly translates as "he keeps them awake", was given by the Seneca about 1780 in recognition of his oratory skill. In the War of 1812, Red Jacket supported the American side.

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