Woodcut of a woman showing large warts growing on her eyelids. A wart is generally a small, rough growth, typically on a human's hands or feet but often other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister. They are caused by a viral infection, specifically by one of the many types of human papillomavirus (HPV). A filiform or digitate wart, a thread-like or finger-like wart, most common on the face, especially near the eyelids and lips. Appeared in Ophthalmodouleia by Georg Bartisch (1535-1607) a German physician. He began his medical career, at the age of 13, as an apprentice to a barber surgeon. He was considered a skilled practitioner of ocular medicine and surgery. His Renaissance manuscript on ophthalmic disorders and eye surgery, Ophthalmodouleia Das ist Augendienst (1583), discussed ocular diseases, surgical techniques, instruments, including woodcuts depicting diseases of the eye. Despite his skill as a surgeon, he was a superstitious individual, as he believed that magic, astrology and witchcraft played a significant part in medicine.

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