Andrzej "Andrew" Viktor Schally (November 30, 1926) is an Polish-American endocrinologist. In 1939, when Poland has been attacked by Germany, Schally escaped with the Poland's President Ignacy Moscicki, Prime Minister and the whole cabinet to then neutral Romania, where they were interned. He received his education in Scotland and England. In 1952, he moved to Canada and received his doctorate in endocrinology from McGill University in 1957. That same year he left for a research career in the United States where he has worked principally at Tulane University. e became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1962. He received a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1977. He currently conducts research in Endocrinology at the Miami Veteran's Administration Medical Center. He developed a whole new realm of knowledge concerning the brain's control over the body chemistry. His works also addressed birth control methods and growth hormones. He, as well as Roger Guillemin, described the neurohormone GnRH that controls FSH and LH.

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