Ameerega bassleri, the Pleasing Poison Frog, inhabits the Amazon drainage of Peru in the departments of Huanuco and San Martin. Frogs of the family Dendrobatidae have been given a number of common names. Poison Arrow Frogs and Poison Dart Frogs are probably the two most commonly recognized names for the group as a whole. Only three of the over 160 species of these frogs were ever used to poison darts and none were used to poison arrows, so both of these common names are not very representative of the entire family. Poison Frogs seems to be the common name that has stuck. There are over 200 toxic compounds that have been identified from the skin of these frogs and many of them hold medical potential for use with humans. Investigations of these skin toxins for human applications have included their use as potential painkillers, treatments for diabetes and heart disease, and for use as antibiotics against antibiotic resistant bacteria. The bright colors of poison frogs warn potential predators of the toxins that they produce in their skin.

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