Vatican presents in June 2009 the document presaging the Anglican schism : the letter asking for the annulment by pope Clement VII of King Henry VIII's marriage. The most determining cause of the Anglican schism was Henry VIII's (1509-1547) wish to get rid of his legitimate wife; Catherine of Aragon in order to get married with Anne Boleyn.The Peers of England; all together; acted in favour of the sovereign and with the present document bearing 83 seals of just as many signers of the document; in 1530 asked the Pope to put an end to the long wait of the entire English Nation. It is well-know that the Pope Clement VII then declared legitimate Henry VIII's marriage with Catherine of Aragon; and therefore indissoluble; and how the sovereign; hindered from carrying out his plans; got married again and declared the separation of the Church of England from the Church of Rome (the Anglican schism). The document (1 meter x 2 meters. 2;5 kilos) in extraordinarily good condition was presented on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Henry's coronation. Photo : Eric Vandeville/akg-images

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