Susanoo-no-Mikoto; more commonly known as just Susanoo or Susano-o; was a kami and god in the Shinto pantheon; master of storm and sea. He was born; alongside his siblings Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi; when the creator god Izanagi washed himself after his journey into the Yomi; the underworld. Susano was born from Izanagi washing his nose.

Susanoo was known as a hot-headed and violent man; and had a long-standing rivalry with his sister Amaterasu. After losing a chalenge to her; he raged and killed one of her attendants; destroyed her rice fields and hurled a flayed pony at her loom. For these actions; he was banished from Heaven.

Descending to the province of Izumo; he aided an elderly couple whose children had been devoured by the eight-headed dragon Yamato-no-Orochi. Saving their eighth daughter by turning her into a comb; and later marrying her; he fooled Orochi by setting out eight bowls of sake for it to drink and waiting till the dragon was drunk and asleep. He then cut off the dragon's heads; and retrieved a great sword from Orochi's tail; which he gifted to Amaterasu as a reconciliation gift.

Susanoo is enshrined at Kumano Taisha; in Shimane (formerly Izumo); and is still worshipped by Shintoists to this day.

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