Made of rattan and bamboo; the single-room dwelling stands on wooden stilts to avoid the rainfall. The finials on the gables are carved in wood and are in traditional Siamese style.

The Siamese; or Thais; moved from their ancestral home in southern China into mainland Southeast Asia around the 10th century CE. Prior to this; Indianized kingdoms such as the Mon; Khmer and Malay kingdoms ruled the region. The Thais established their own states starting with Sukhothai; Chiang Saen; Chiang Mai and Lanna Kingdom; before the founding of the Ayutthaya kingdom. These states fought each other and were under constant threat from the Khmers; Burma and Vietnam. Much later; the European colonial powers threatened in the 19th and early 20th centuries; but Thailand survived as the only Southeast Asian state to avoid colonial rule. After the end of the absolute monarchy in 1932; Thailand endured 60 years of almost permanent military rule before the establishment of a democratic elected-government system.

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