ALGERIA 2 July 1962 Celebrations for the proclamation of independence to Algeri. It is the wait conclusion of the War of Algeria (the 1954-1962) that is fight of liberation of the Algerian against the French domination. In the 1954 the opposition forces founded in the clandestinit?the revolutionary Committee (Crua); become then National Liberation Front (Fln); giving beginning to the revolt; than; with wide consents in the Arabic population; it above all hired character of mass war after the police participation and the reprisals of truppe French against the civil population (the battle of Algeri; 1957). The rebellion compromised the stability of the same French government who; after the attempt of revolt of the strong white minority (pieds noirs); frightened for a possible abandonment; in May 1958 prepared the return for the power of general De Gaulle; that he involved the definitive landslide of the already shaking quarter republic. In 1958 the Fln; fort also of immense supports abroad; constituted the temporary government of the republic Algerian (Gpra). The opposition of the population of European origin; that it wanted to maintain the power colonial; led in the barricades of Algeri of January 1960 and in the attempt of military coup d'閠at of April 1961 that was repressed by De Gaulle (Oas). It negotiate between the French government and the Algerian temporary government; opened in 1960; was concluded in 1962 with independence of Algeria.

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