PETER II said the Magnanimous (1825 - 1891); second and last emperor of Brazil. His full name was Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga. He ascended the throne child; in 1831; to the abdication of his father who gave him three regents; began early to rule on his own in 1841. Under his rule Brazil became universally known for respect for human rights and was noted for fairness and reliability even in businesses as well as a large internal stability that differed dramatically from dictatorial regimes of South America. Dethroned November 15; 1889 with a coup that proclaimed the republic; he said: "If it must be so; so be it. It will be my retirement. I worked too much and are too tired. I'm going to rest.". Portrait in an engraving of the time; Brazil in 1877.

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