Nosey - the pet cat of an Egham Surrey farm run by the Hon Gerald S Montague has forced a unique companionship with a brood of 10 day old ducklings - he has constituted himself as guardian and foster mother to the birds and will brook no interference with his self assumed duties - under his ever watchful eye the ducklings romp in the daytime and one of the most interesting sights is to watch Nosey enjoying a game with his young charges - in the evening he carefully shepherds them into their nesting boxes checking each duckling in with methodical care - then his real work begins - he is the ducklings' protector against the fox - their worst enemy - who considers duckling a delicacy - photo shows Nosey the cat carefully checking in his brood of ducklings at nesting time on a poultry farm at Egham run by the Hon Gerald S Montague February 6th 1935

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