The Russian spy, Dr Robert Soblen was moved fom the Hillingdon Hospital in Middlesex where he was being treated since his suicide bid, to Brixton Prison. This followed a day-long wrangle over the 61 year old runaway, who faces a life sentence if he returns to the United States. Officials in the United States were told that he has applied for Political asylum in britain. Dr Soblen's lawyers had called at the hospital to discuss the writ of habias corpus issued the previous night by Mr Justice Mocatta. Later they saw the judge at the High Court and the date of the hearing was put back a day, to July 17th. A Home \Office official said last night: It is an unprecedented case, but Dr Soblen is under British jurisdiction. An official at the American Embassy in London said: We just don't know what will happen now. All we want to do is get the man back home to serve his sentence. Photo shows Dr Robert Soblen leaving Hillingdon Hospital, Middlesex. 8th July 1962

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