The opening of the new University buildings in Birmingham by the King on July 7th recalled the origin of this progressive centre of education. In 1873, Sir Josiah Mason, one of Birmingham's sons, endowed a college for practical science. Two years later the foundation was laid by Sir Josiah and Mr. John Bright. This college continued to do valuable service till 1898, in which year, thanks mainly to the initiative and industry of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, a university was established with faculties in arts, science, medicine, and commerce. A fund of over ?20,000 was raised, Mr. Andrew Carnegie contributing ?0,000, and in 1900 a charter was granted. Since that time the University has been recognised as among the foremost of the land. The principal, Sir Oliver Lodge, has a world-wide reputation both as author and lecturer. In the same week as the opening of the new University buildings at Birmingham the King also took part in the opening of the new wing of the Manchester Infirmary, a new Speech Room at Rugby School, and laid the foundation stone of the new Imperial College of Science at South Kensington. On June 25th he opened the Victoria and Albert Museum at Kensington. FROM IN MEMORIAM."

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