Mother masquerades as girl of 12, goes to school and plays with dolls. With a large white bow in our dark, bobbed hair and wearing a neat drill slip, conventional schoolgirls attire, 'Chibby' Cohen of Hammersmith (London) went to school for several months with friends. But at the end of the term. The school authorities wanted to transfer her. This would have taken her away from her friends, and as 'Chibby' didn't want this to happen. An amazing masquerade was revealed. Although apparently only 12 years old, 'Chibby' was Mrs Edward Cohen, a married woman 24. She had had a baby which, however, had died at 10 months. A desire for the companionship of children to replace her dead baby is understood to have led to the masquerade. Photo shows, Mrs Edward Cohen (second from left) , nursing a teddy bear and surrounded by friends she made at school at her Hammersmith home.

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