Museo Egizio di Torino - 鋑yptisches Museum Turin - Il Dio Ptah - In quanto divinit?creatrice; il dio Ptah era il protettore degli artigiani e indossava la baraba diritta e il copricapo aderente tipico degli artigiani e dei fabbri Ptah ?anche una delle poche divinit?egizie a non manifestarsi anche sotto forma animale. La sua consorte era Sekhmet; la dea dalla testa di leone; e insieme erano genitori di Nefertum; il dio dei profumi. Cat. 87 - Calcare (corpo) e gesso (testa) - XVIII-XX dinastia (1550-1070 a. C.) - Tempio di Amon; Tebe. The God Ptah - As a creation deity; the god Ptah was the patron of artisans and wore the straight beard and the close-fitting cap of craftsmen and smiths. He is also one of the few Egyptian gods who does not have an animal manifestation. His consort was Sekmeth; the lion-headed goddess; an together they were the parents of Nefertum; the deity of scent. The god's hedad has been restored here in plaster. Cat. 87 - Limestone with plaster restoration (head) - Dynasty XVIII-XX (1550-1070 BC) - Temple of Amun; Thebes

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