The Reform Club Pall Mall London REFORM CLUB, on the south side of Pall Mall, between the Travellers' Club and the Canton Club, was founded by the Liberal members of the two Houses of Parliament, about the time the Reform Bill was canvassed and carried, 1830- 32. The Club consists of 1000 members, exclusive of members of either House of Parliament Entrance fee, 25 guineas; annual subscription for the first five years of election, 101. l0s., subsequently, 81. 8s. The house was built from the designs of Charles Barry, R. A. The exterior is greatly admired, though the windows, it is urged are too small. The interior, especially the large square hall covered with glass, occupying the centre of the building, is very imposing. The cooking establishment of the Club is under the superintendence of the celebrated M. Soyer, and in brilliancy of cuisine yields to none in Britain

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