GREECE-JUNE 2010NOT FAR FROM PLATIA ARIEOS Greece must refinance 54 billion euros in debt in 2010; with a crunch in Q2 as 20 billion euros becomes due. A 5-year bond issue in January was five times oversubscribed but the government had to pay a hefty premium.Unions protesting against the austerity plan; announce strikes. - EU officials arrive in Athens to ask Greece for a more specifics of its three-year plan [2010-2013] to shore up its finances. Greece unveils the stability program saying it will aim to cut its budget gap to 2.8 percent of GDP by 2012 from 12.7 percent. 2010 - Papandreou says; the government will extend a public sector wage freeze to those making below 2;000 euros a month for 2010; excluding seniority pay hikes. The EU Commission says it backs Greece's plan to reduce its budget deficit below three percent of GDP by 2012 and urges Greece to cut its overall wage bill and take extra fiscal measures.

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