Group of senior Indian Police officials, New Delhi. Formal group portrait, taken on an unidentified occasion. The majority of the sitters are senior police officers and the group was presumably taken at a police conference of some sort. The letterpress key pasted onto the mount identifies the sitters as follows: (front row, seated): Sir Charles Chitham C.I.E., I.G., C.P.; Sir John Ewart C.I.E., D.I.B.; Sir Henry Craik K.C.S.I., I.C.S., Home Member; H.H. the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow; R.M. Maxwell C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S., Home Secretary; J.G. Laithwaite C.I.E., Private Secretary to the Viceroy; D. Healy, I.G., Sind; (middle row): C.W.E. U'ren D.C., S.B., Bombay; G.A. Shillidy C.I.E., I.G., Bombay; P.C. Bamford C.I.E., D.D.I.B.; J.T.M. Bennett C.B.E., M.C., D.I.G., C.I.D., Punjab; C.T. Brett C.I.E., D.I.G., Bihar; H.O. de Gale I.G., N.-W.F.P.; E.A.O. Perkin I.G., Orissa; F. Sayers I.G., Madras; J.C. Farmer I.G., Bengal; (back row): B.G. Prothero-Thomas D.I.G., C.I.D., United Provinces; L.B. Gasson, D.I.G., Madras; A.G. Scott D.I.G., Central Provinces; C.E. Joyce, Assistant to I.G., C.I.D., N.-W.F.P.; R.C. Morris D.I.G., C.I.D., Burma; R.C.R. Cumming D.I.G., C.I.D., Assam; M.F. Cleary C.I.O. Calcutta (Secretary); H.W. Hale O.S.D., I.B., (Secretary)

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