Phrenological (Frenzylogical) chart, By Oliver Herford, 1863-1935, artist 1917. drawing in ink brush, ink wash, and pencil. World War I cartoon drawing of a phrenological chart of for the German brain. Herford represents Humanity with the sinking of the Lusitania, Veneration by an image of a burning church, Love of nature by a soldier chopping down a tree, Modesty with the motto "Ich und Gott," Imagination with the German eagle standing on top of a globe with the motto "Deut[schla]nd uber alles," Generosity with a German soldier poisoning a Dutch girl with tainted candy, Compassion with the destruction of Red Cross wagons and the death of nurses, Sympathy with an crocodile shedding tears for France, Chivalry with a firing squad aiming its rifles at a nurse, Integrity with the shredding of a treaty, and finally Love of children with a soldier holding up his bayonet onto which he has speared an infant. This cartoon appeared in Life Magazine as the atrocities of war mounted.

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