The Lamu Museum boasts a fine example of a 19th century carved and decorated wooden door. Wood carving is the most important craft in Lamu and sustains the greatest number of skilled craftsmen. It will take experienced craftsmen eight man-months to make such a beautiful door and frame today. The brass cannons outside the museum were used by the British to bombard Witu in 1892. Situated 150 miles north-northeast of Mombasa, Lamu town dates from the 15th century AD. The island's importance lies in the fact that it has the only certain source of sweet groundwater in the entire district. The town was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2001 because it is the oldest and best preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. Moreover, its architecture and urban development graphically demonstrates the diverse cultural influences that came together over many centuries to produce a distinctively local Swahili style and culture.

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